
This update took a very long time to make, but has many new features, so I hope you all enjoy it.

For Players

Constructed Duels

  • You can now use the DDM Simulator for constructed formats.
  • You can select different historial formats, or define your own with a cube-like syntax.
  • The DDM Simulator has been completely rewritten to use serverside validation for game actions.
    • This means that it’s safe to use the DDM Simulator for competitive duels.
  • The DDM Deckbuilder has been completely rewritten to accomodate for constructed features, such as card search.
    • All deckbuilders now also let you export to ddm-json and txt, which is especially useful for making campaigns/cubes.
    • All deckbuilder now also let you export your deck as a png image.


  • Made the export-as-ydke feature smoother to use.
  • Added a reminder for when players accidentally send pends, or plaguespreader zombies, to the GY.
  • Moving XYZ to different monster zones now moves the materials with it.
  • Improved the automatic damage calculation to better handle defense position monsters, and cards off of the field.
  • You can now use “k” (1000) and “c” (100) in gain/lose lp inputs, as well as in the change atk/def input. – You can enter eg “1k” instead of “1000”.
  • When changing stats, you can now apply the last modifier that was activated, or any modifiers of any face-up cards on the field.
    • EG, if you use Forbidden Chalice, cards will have a button for “+400 ATK”. The App remembers the last 3 modifiers activated this way.
    • Some cards, such as Gachi Gachi Gantetsu, also let you buff/nerf all monsters you control.
    • Stats will no longer change if a monster moves zones (unless it’s moved off-field).
  • Xyz Monster movements have been improved. – Materials will follow the xyz monster, and will always upright themselves.
  • When taking damage, you can now take damage equal to the last card activated – EG, if you activate brain control, you can select “-800” to take 800 damage. The App remembers the last 3 modifiers activated this way.
  • A context menu button for “excavate” has been added. Excavated cards are easier to view than milled cards.
  • A context menu button for “pendulum summon” has been added. There’s also a new animation for this.
  • Card animations in duels will now use gpu acceleration if able (ie smoother animations).
  • Improved the duel UI overall, moving many buttons around.
    • Tuner monsters show a tuner wheel behind them as a reminder.
    • You can now click anywhere on a deck to open it.
    • You can now quickly find cards in your deck/gy/etc with a text search.
    • You can now toggle between all of your and your opponent’s decks/gy/etc with hotkeys.
  • Added more counter options. You can add up to 6 different types of counters to cards, including signifiers for “level”, “equip”, and “negate”.
    • You can add text to counters, to indicate eg DNA Surgery/Prohibition.
    • Tokens are now summonable with the context menu of the card that summons them. Gorz tokens automatically gain their stats.
    • A list of all HOPT effects activated this turn are shows on the screen.
  • You can now turn on “fat fingers” in settings to make the context menu larger.
  • You can now takes screenshots in the App (settings=>screen=>screenshot)
  • You can now resolve cards that “show x from deck” by dragging the desired cards to the excavate zone, then clicking “Randomly add 1 to hand”.


  • Added a level of auto-update to the App that will allow for some updates and bug fixes without needing to download again from itch.io.
  • You can now playtest campaigns without any opponent. Bear in mind that the app does not have an AI. (It will likely never have an AI).
  • Reworked all text, sizes, and ratios to be more broadly compatible with different monitors. The window is now locked to a normal aspect ratio.
  • Made the system settings more navigable.
  • Made pendulum monster text more legible.
  • Card font size changes are more granular, and you can also right-click the textbox to make the font size smaller.
  • Images are now saved (not cached) after being downloaded. They’ll load faster, and this will reduce my server bills.

For Campaign Creators

  • You can now search through cards while in dev mode settings.
  • You can now add "boxFade":true to “back” commands in text events. The box will fade with the background.
  • You can now add “inputType”: “cardName” to item events with “inputText” attributes. This will ensure that only legal card names are submitted.
  • New event: “sync”. Use it to send a variable to your opponent’s client.
  • When making custom cards, you can now add link arrows to non-link-monsters, as well. Non-link-cards in defense position change arrow directions.
  • You can now display gauges on map screens. A gauge will show the user the state of any single variable. You can display up to 6 gauges at once.
  • You can now errata cards in settings.json. This lets you edit standard card text without needing to create a custom card.
  • You can now set a maximum number of items in settings.json using “maximumItems”. This can be applied or adjusted with vars.
  • You can now add a “layer” effect to any map, ui, or duel screen. Use this to show weather effects, or your custom GUI.

For Cubers

  • Fixed all bugs that were submitted during the early testing period.
  • You can now add a ##FLIST section to cubes.
    • Use eg “1 Sangan” to show that Sangan is Limited.
    • Use eg “9 Sangan” to show that Sangan is unbound (infinite copies are legal).
  • You can now add a ##START section to cubes. – You can use this to define cards that the player will always start with. – These cards are automatically also added to the ##CARDS section, and will appear in packs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where token monsters that are also tuner monsters wouldn’t be able to be summoned.
  • Fixed a bug where extra deck monsters could return to the hand.
  • Fixed a bug where xyz materials would be the targets for attacks, rather than the xyz monster itself.
  • Fixed a bug where altered banlists wouldn’t apply after loading a saved game.
  • Fixed a bug where the top card of the face-down banished pile wouldn’t appear under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a bug where face-down banished link monsters’ link markers were still visible.
  • Fixed a bug where taking control of an opponent’s monster wouldn’t show its “effect” button in the context menu.
  • Fixed a bug where specifically Armored Kappa wouldn’t show both the “gain atk” and “gain def” options when changing stats.
  • Fixed a bug where custom card credits weren’t visible on xyz monsters.
  • Fixed a bug where rarity wouldn’t show in player’s hand/deck/etc.
  • Fixed a bug where you could be forced into a duel while editing a deck.
  • Fixed a bug where campaigns with a large amount of both items and map icons on the same row would cause UI issues.
  • Fixed a bug where custom card link monsters wouldn’t display that they are effect monsters.
  • Fixed a bug where disabled choices would sometimes not be disabled.
  • Fixed a large number of different bugs involving users using hotkeys very quickly.


DungeonDuelMonsters-linux-x64.zip 286 MB
13 days ago
DungeonDuelMonsters-win32-x64.zip 324 MB
13 days ago

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Good update!! <3